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Why It Is Advised to Wear Masks Even If the Risk of Infection is Less

n95 cup shape mask

There are many reasons why it is still very important for you to wear face masks even if the chances of infections are slim. Keep reading to know more in detail. 

Wearing a face mask has become a necessity in the daily lives of humans, as much as it is an imposition. Let’s start from there. So, firstly if you have been infected of Covid -19 at least once, and lived to tell the tale, you need to remember that Covid is a family of the SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) virus which was quickly contained and originated in China (yeah) back in 2002. Since then scientists have tried to track the immunity chain of an individual after being affected by it. 

This brings us back to business it is still important for you to wear your masks even after getting infected. The main reason for this is the body is not equipped to deal with so much medication at a same time, it needs the right nutrition and time to develop into what it used to be, which is why you need to make sure that you wear face masks, as studies have shown different ratios of immunity progress in post Covid infected people, where it has shown that people who are infected once can wear off the immunity shield within a couple of month after catching the disease. 

This is one of the main and only reasons why it is advised that you wear surgical mask when you step outside, as it is proven to be a significant mask when you are trying to stop other people from contaminating the disease! Even if you think you are risk free, and immune to Covid – 19, it is very difficult to gauge if you are actually immune or simply asymptomatic. If that is the case, you are risking everyone else around you, and that is not an idea job for a responsible citizen. Wear your USA face mask today! 


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